Flatpack Films Documentary Fiction
Flatpack Films incorporate the collective work of Scotland-based filmmakers Julian Vogel, Reece Smith, and Jack Allen, working across a wide range of formats and genres to deliver captivating stories to a global audience.
Inter-Contintental Bunker Mission (I.C.B.M.)
U.K. / Sweden
Director: Julian Vogel
81 minute runtime
Two friends without a clue set out on a journey to survive the end of the world. An atomic cocktail of journalistic, archival, and D.I.Y. Bunker Building, I.C.B.M. addresses the ever growing survivalism trend, the personal price of survival, and the perpetual state of preparedness the world has found itself in since the birth of the atomic bomb.
Supported by:
The Scholarship Foundation for the Studies of Japanese Society, UnCut Film.

To Set a Prisoner Free
U.S.A. / Sweden / U.K.
Director: Joachim Vogel
2024 (est.)
70 minute runtime
After a drunk driver kills her husband and daughter, Natalie slowly finds her way back by forgiving the offender. Can this unlikely friendship be Edgar’s chance of salvation?To Set A Prisoner Free is a portrayal of people standing on opposite sides of a deep chasm caused by a common trauma. A story about the conditions of those at the bottom and of forgiveness as a way to tear down walls.
Supported by:
The Swedish Film Institute, Film Stockholm, Sheffield MeetMarket, Edinburgh International Film Festival Documentary Pitch

Ghost Work: “Artificial” Artificial Intelligence
Director: Julian Vogel
In Development
80 minute runtime
A revealing journey into the lives of the workers behind artificial intelligence, the future of work, and the human cost of British and western comfortability.
Supported by:
No one yet – but it could be you!

Director/Writer: Jack Allen
12 minute runtime
As world-renowned fly killer Carl chases a fly, it crawls into a small hole in the wall of his laboratory, out of reach. Putting his eye up to the hole, Carl sees before him something he never even considered possible…

Signs & Gestures
Director/Writer: Itandehui Jansen
12 minute runtime
Signs and Gestures is a different film about a blind date. Clara relies on sound and touch to communicate, while Simon uses BSL. They both don’t know this about each other when they decide to meet up. Will they find a way to connect?

Director/Writer: Jack Allen
Pre Production
20 minute runtime
An ambitious detective drastically misreads a murder crime scene with catastrophic results.

Want to find out more?
To see more of our work, screen it to your audiences, or finance our next 59 films – just send us a message using the form below; we’re always happy to hear from just about anybody.