The Quest for Net Zero
Client: Southern Uplands Partnership
2D Character Animation
Fend off the fiendish fossil fuel dinosaurs in an epic journey towards net zero! Flatpack Creative was tasked with:
With all visuals designed entirely from scratch, The Quest for Net Zero trailer proved to be a fantastically fun project to be involved with. Produced as part of a tender for government net zero target funding, we first had to come up with the concept for an interactive net zero game for kids. Having fossil-fueled evil robot dinosaurs as the antagonists seemed like the only sensible choice – and a few design iterations later we had a broad concept mapped out with just enough material to make a concept trailer out of.
Character animation is such a rewarding practice – it’s one of those instances where the magic of animation really makes itself known; where the illusion of life and physics are just impossible to draw your eyes away from.
It wasn’t just the dinosaur characters who had to have life breathed into them. The industrial wasteland and smokestacks surrounding them were as much the antagonists as the dinosaurs themselves.
This trailer for The Quest for Net Zero was created for the Southern Uplands Partnership as part of their efforts to transition the economy and society of the Scottish Borders region towards a sustainable net zero future – check it out for yourself below:
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